As a 2010 resolution, I decided to go green. To me that means using less disposable materials and to conserve natural resources. Simple right? so I started carrying flimsy cloth bags to grocery stores, bought a bunch of glassware to replace the plastic ware in my kitchen and finally on the natural resource end, conserve water. That is to not let the water run into the sink drain while I brush away finding the sparkle in my teeth. Yes it is a lifestyle change. What I did not guess are the strings that come attached with going green thing. It is not only a change to live efficiently but also to build tolerance towards people’s actions who don’t share that resolution with me this year (or like I want to believe). So here I am going green with a personality development lesson focusing on patience, tolerance and forgiveness. It is like searching nirvana while saving the world from 3 plastic bags I use each month. So here comes the first amendment to the resolution..go green as an individual not as a part of a dysfunctional team J. Feels better…..Then came along a thought in my head, by not using disposable materials I am using a lot of ceramics and hence the increased dishwasher usage. Oh no…what am I doing? Filling up our water bodies with harmful chemicals. There….another eye opener for the green citizen. Next run to the grocery store had a earth-friendly dish wash detergent. Now I am stuck with a detergent that just clogs up its own dispenser and gives me a total upper body workout to clean the tough stains on my grill. I think this is the other part of the whole green deal – physical fitness. So my dear to-be green citizens. Read the fine says “Personality development and physical fitness lessons included”.
Go Green!
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Nice observation.
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