Monday, June 14, 2010

In the belief

A few moons ago, one of my friends asked me if I believe in God. It may sound surprising but I did not know what to answer. There was a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ in my thoughts but I lacked the confidence to say the former and lacked the courage to say the latter. After taking a moment, I told him that I chose not to answer that question. The conversation ended, that friend left, the days passed but that question still rings in my head. ‘God’ must mean much more than the idol, the place of worship and the offerings. When I close my eyes and bow my head I am talking to someone. Who is that? I don’t believe that there is someone up there who can fix anything and everything. I do know that there is always someone who helps me get through situations. I take the steps and I make the effort but something inside me keeps me going. I have my morals, my beliefs and my personality and all in all my conscience. Do I believe in God? I still need to seek answer to this question.
What is the definition of God anyways? Is it ‘super power’? Is it ‘enforcer’ or is it the inner conscious. When we offer prayers to God whom are we satisfying? Is it not the inner conscious? What is the feeling after donating money or offering services at religious gathering? Is it not the inner peace? We did not make anyone but ourselves happy in the end. Is that the ultimate reason to believe in a God?

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